Sunday, May 18, 2008

7 Things You DIDN'T Know!

Hello you have been tagged blog buddy!

You know the drill, 7 obscure facts, tag 7 people.

1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

To my surprise, I've been tagged into the Blog Buddy game by the lovely

Here we gooooo!

1. I have a strong dislike toward Self-flushing toilets. Is it just me or do they always flush too soon and too often? I am completely capable of flushing my own toilet, thank you (even if that means with my foot)!

2. I just did a total makeover on my online shop on Myspace & Etsy complete with new layout , pictures, and items for sale. Check it out here!

3. I work at the library, and whenever I see a book about spiders I fall into a trance where I cannot look away. I guess you can say I get into a state of fascinated terror.

4. Whenever I get a blood test or donate blood my eyes love to watch the needle enter my arm. I find it very interesting and awesome.

5. As a child, eating grass and licking sidewalk chalk off my hands was a normal part of my diet.

6. Everyday that I don't ride my bike there is a little pang of sadness in my world.

7. I think I might be allergic to soy products. How many vegans in this world don't eat soy as well? I'd very much like to know. :)

I tagged you!!

** Bags Galore** ^_^

indubitably eccentric

Scott Bulger Photography

Rosebud Collection


Wonderfully Sew Knit

Joy De Vivre Design

New items I've Made:


Unknown said...

no need or no words i get to write after i saw your blog , nice blog , i suppose are you very busy with your work ,these lines is saying by your work , nice work you have done.

keep it up in forward direction

god bless you

i things more
you looked very beautiful on every dress .
take care
hav a good day

Rosebud Collection said...

Well, you made me a nervous wreck finding out you tagged me..Hope you enjoy..Love the new stuff you made..

Tatyana said...

lol i'm with you on the self-flushing toilets. Some are alright because they're regulated to not go off until you step away from the bowl. But most make me jump, lol.

Alas I've had to get used to them. Nearly all of the bathrooms at my college have auto flushers. And I drink tea literally all day long, so uhhhh.... i am quite used to those evil self-flushing things.

I know, I know, you really needed to know that info! ;)